글쓴 날짜: 10 years ago quote post #3772
Step 1
Goto the Network and Sharing Center and click Setup a new connection or network

Step 2
We need to Connect to a workplace and click Next

Step 3
Select VPN

Step 4
Enter your Proxy IP in the Internet Address field. The Destination name is a description field.

Step 5
Once the VPN is created go to your adapter settings and goto its properties.

Step 6
In the security tab and set the options as described below.

Step 7
Click advanced settings and enter yout IPSec secret (Pre-Shared Key).

Step 8
In the networking tab click on "Internet Protocol Version 4" opening its properties dialog

Step 9
Click "Advanced Settings" and disable the default gateway. Set a high metric such as "9999".

Step 10
Now connect to your IP. You will be prompted for a username and password. Once connected you should be able to ping the VPN Gateway at

Step 11
In an administrator command prompt execute: route -p add mask {INTERNAL_IP} metric 9000

If you are adding multiple VPN connections you will need to lookup the interface ID in the interface table (at the top) and execute the following command: route -p add mask {INTERNAL_IP} metric 9000 if {INTERFACE}

Restarting your server
After a restart you will need to re-connect to the VPN.