글쓴 날짜: 9 years ago quote post #3780
MTR Installation Instructions
-  Installing mtr on linux: yum install mtr
-  Run the following command: mtr [destination_ip_address]
-  Installing MTR on windows: download from http://winmtr.net/download-winmtr/
-  Winmtr is a graphical program and will pop up a window asking you for the host to test. Type in the destination IP address and click start
- You can install the OSX version from https://code.google.com/p/rudix/downloads/detail?name=mtr-0.82-1.pkg&can=2&q=mtr
- You would then open 'Terminal' and run: sudo mtr [destination_ip_address]


다운로드 링크

If I can be of any further assistance or if you have any questions, please let me know.

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